The clutter had taken over the pantry and it was getting out of control. It was time.
Notice all the cereal on the top shelf. And the chips up waaaay too high so that I could never reach them. (To self: Must try this on things I overeat.) The second shelf down was originally supposed to be the canned good shelf. It's now home to instant mashed potatoes, jam, funny shaped Coke bottles...I started putting stuff up there because it had the most space, which went downhill very quickly. (Sidenote: Can anything really go downhill slowly?)
Here's a close-up of the shelves I most wanted to tackle. I started off meaning the "baking shelf" (3rd down), but it ended up being all three.
This is the reason I wanted to do the baking shelf. I had all this room in a cabinet that the baking stuff would fit perfectly in. I have my vanilla, almond extract, cinnamon, cloves, get the idea. The inspiration came from when I was having to find a place for my new Dutch oven (<3!).

Here is the after of the pantry. I'm praying people can notice a difference. First off, the cereal is not as high. I rediscovered my cereal bin (amazing what you can find when you clean up!) and put the two boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios (shout out to Victoria) in it. Then I moved the chips down to normal people level so in case I do get a hankerin' for chips, I don't have to get the chair. Or Giraffe. Next shelf turned out very well. I put the cans so you actually see what each thing is and grouped them accordingly. I still have a few non-can items on the shelf, but at least they're in a neat little row out of the way. The baking shelf doesn't look that much better in the picture, but it does in person. I can see everything, which was not the case earlier. I also did the last shelf, which didn't need that much rearranging, but it used a wee bit of tidying nevertheless.
The best part: it only took five minutes! That's including screwing up the pictures because I'm too short to get a good shot. So there was lots of holding the camera above my head. Good thing I moved the chips.
Exciting news: Astro and I are going to Europe! We leave in 2 days and are hitting up London and Malta for 10 days. Europe will never be the same. I can't wait!
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