Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Bet: Final

Well, The Bet ended on April 1 and while there was no unofficial weigh-in, I still feel like a winner (as cheesy as that sounds).

Total: 14 pounds

That shirt and skort combo that I'm wearing used to be super tight on me. The last time I wore it was the summer I moved to Nashville and I remember the skort biting into my torso and I had to really suck it in for the shirt to not have any rolls. Now, they are actually big on me! I need to go shopping soon because when the heat wave came through, I found out that all my shorts are too big. Such a strange concept to me, but I love it!

I cannot wait for summer now because I won't be carrying around the extra weight in the sun anymore!


Anonymous said...

You're blogging again! And you look great!

AstroGailis said...

Congratulations! You look fantastic! :)